The CGB.

My client was a graphic designer, and had a clear vision for the aesthetic of his website. This was our second time working together, and as his client list had grown he needed the ability to present his portfolio in an improved organised manner.

One of the main focuses was the filter we incorporated on the 'Work' page so that users could easily navigate themselves to the content they were looking for. Additionally, we added a contact form for potential customers to be able to get in touch easily. A CMS for my client too using DatoCMS so that he was able to go in and add/edit content when needed.

Visit the project
  • React
  • Gatsby
  • SASS
  • DatoCMS
  • GraphQL


On our build of the first CGB website, we worked closely together to make his minimalist and modern designs into a series of web-appropriate and responsive webpages. My favourite element of this website was the sliding effect on the 'Work' page's navigation menu; this was a happy accident after I interpreted a transition between two Adobe XD slides as a feature he wanted.

Visit the archived project
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • SASS
  • SVG Animation